Online - New Zealand Photography Workshops Ebooks

Explore how to create more expressive images and develop your own unique style and vision with these in-depth and beautifully creative ebooks by Richard Young and Ken Wright.
You can purchase each book individually or as a bundled set which includes all 3 for a heavily discounted price!
$75 - includes bonus ebook
What’s your Style and Vision?
“Explore Style and Vision as an interconnected philosophy, it will help to identify your own personal style and understand your vision”
Start your own journey of discovery behind personal and expressive photography. Learn how to refine and to create your own Style and Vision with this 120 page eBook by professional photographers Richard Young and Ken Wright. Included is a bonus eBook of Ken Wright’s, ’Creating a Waterfall Collection’.
Designed to give you an understanding of the defining elements of style, along with the tools you’ll need to unlock your vision. Through this process, we will help you evaluate your work, refine a collection of images, and assess your current approach to photography to ultimately achieve your own unique style and vision.
Start your journey and have fun!
“Personal expression does not just stop at the capture of a photograph; what can be achieved is post-production is as important as choices in the field. Discover how to analyse your photographs and unlock the key to processing with intent—the way to refine your message to the viewer,”
You have captured the perfect shot! A shot that tells a story and reflects your unique personal expression. All it needs is a little enhancement.
The Expressive Photography eBook is designed and written by professional photographers Richard Young and Ken Wright, it aims to teach you how to bring your unique perspective to fruition through the process of evaluating an image, deciding what message to enhance, and allowing this to guide your processing technique. From capturing your image through to post-processing you will explore in Lightroom and Photoshop, how the use of controls such as luminosity, contrast, and colour—along with simple tools like cropping—can change the mood, impact, and flow of your photographs to create your own meaningful style and take your photography to the next level.
Enjoy this creative process and find your own expressive niche!