Online - Photography Courses

Our online courses are designed to enhance your photography techniques and skills from
taking your RAW images taken in the field through to the finishing touches on your images resulting in a professional and polished end result!
Lightroom – Processing with Intent
Price $260
“Learn a refined RAW processing workflow in Lightroom. Master global adjustments to enhance mood and impact along with local tools to refine your message and process with intent.”
Brought to you by Richard Young and Alastair McRae this exciting new Online Course will begin to guide you through processing with intent in Lightroom. Learn to correctly set up your Lightroom Catalogue including importing and exporting content from your raw images through to printing. Learn local adjustments including luminosity masking, local colour adjustments and balancing sky tones. Richard will share with you how he created the very results you see in his own work with on location processing video examples of some of his best images.
- 3 hours of Video Tutorial Series—on Lightroom Set Up and Processing, Local Adjustments, Work along Example
- 52 page Lightroom Catalogue Management eBook—covering tools and global adjustments.
- 57 page Lightroom Development eBook—covering tools and global adjustments.
- Sample RAW/PSD files—to display processing tools.
Photoshop for Photographers Course
Price: $288
“Unlock the creative control of Photoshop to guide your viewer through an image and refine your own personal expression.”
Photoshop for Photographers is hosted by professional photographer Ken Wright who has 40 years experience in creative industries, Ken is highly skilled in design, illustration and photography. This impressive online course will take you through a complete processing workflow within Photoshop that is focused on tools and techniques for photographers. Topics include tools , cleaning images, transformation tools, making selections, dodging & burning, working with layers and masks, and using gradient layers for dynamic black & white images.
Ken will share with you how he created the very results you see in his own work with recorded processing video examples of some of his best images.
- 7.5 hours of Video Tutorials- covering processing workflow along with numerous tutorials from basic and more complex Photoshop tools.
- Sample RAW/PSD files—to display processing tools.
Fine-Art Printing Course
Price: $340
“It is not a photograph until it is printed—discover the beauty of fine-art printing and shine light into this dark art”
This unique and exclusive online course will introduce you to the aesthetics of fine-art printing.
You will learn how to set up print files, use a colour managed workflow to turn your images into professional-grade prints.
Designed by Richard Young, a professional and award-winning landscape photographer and Epson Printing Ambassador, you will learn to who has many years making large format, fine art prints. Using Lightroom or Photoshop, you will learn to edit for print, sharpening and soft proofing your own images. How to print using a large format printer at home or send your images to a lab. You will also learn about paper choices for Fine Art Printing, each paper providing you with an entirely different impact, adding to the creative style of your photography.
- 5.25 hours of video tutorials—on printing in Lightroom & Photoshop and colour management, along with common printing problems.
- 120 page Fine-Art Printing eBook —exploring aesthetics, papers and colour management, soft proofing along with printer setup.
- Sample RAW/PSD files—for print setup & proofing.
Complete Bundle
Price $775
Complete Bundle includes full access to Lightroom - Processing with Intent, Photoshop for Photographers and Fine Art Printing all for the discounted price of $695!